We look forward to welcoming all students back on Monday, August 30, for the first day of school!
Please note that buses may be a little delayed for the first few days for both drop-off and pickup as parents and bus drivers become familiar with bus routes and stops.
Below is important information regarding school opening and COVID protocols. Please be sure to review our School Opening Guidebook for Parents that was released on July 23 that contains more detailed information for the opening of school.
Solanco is implementing a “layered” approach to COVID prevention. These are detailed in Solanco’s School Opening Guidebook for Parents. We are currently implementing Level 2 prevention measures and are prepared to adjust our strategies should COVID case numbers dictate.
Solanco has adopted a mask-optional approach. Students will have the option to wear a face covering when in school. A mask will be provided should any student request one. Please note the CDC encourages mask-wearing for all students/staff while indoors.
There is currently an existing, valid, and binding masking order for school buses; therefore, masks are required when traveling on school buses.
We are again asking for parents’ help to de-densify school buses and reduce the risk of quarantines resulting from bus transportation. We request that any parents who are willing/able to transport their child to school to consider doing so. Of course, any child who wishes to ride a school bus is able to do so.
To start the school year, we are limiting non-essential visitors to buildings consequent of current COVID case numbers. We are hopeful this will change in the near future.
Quarantines are possible dependent on whether a child is determined to be a “close contact” to a COVID-positive individual. Closures and shifting to remote instruction remain possibilities. We are hoping to minimize this possibility through implementation of our Health and Safety Plan.
We understand there is a lot of anxiety and concern about the opening of school this year. We will continue to communicate information regarding COVID at Solanco throughout the school year. We ask that all in the Solanco community work together to make sure Solanco students have a safe school experience.
Brian A. Bliss, Ed. D.