Dignity Honored: Elementary Schools
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Elementary Schools
A Culture of Dignity and Belonging
Delineated on this site is Solanco’s Dignity Honored initiative, which represents a commitment to continuous improvement of our anti-harassment/anti-discrimination efforts at the elementary school level.
This website is designed to provide parents and community members with an overview of Solanco’s efforts in this area both historically and currently. In addition, this site shows how the multiple programs and initiatives implemented at each school level contribute to a supportive and caring school district environment.
Committing to Kindness
- Character Education Lessons – Teachers and school counselors prepare and conduct monthly character development lessons in classrooms. The lessons are focused around a children’s literature book and use a variety of activities throughout the year. The monthly themes covered are self-control, responsibility, gratitude, empathy, respect, honesty, cooperation, determination, and patience.
- Diverse Abilities Training (DAT) – Teachers and students take part in Diverse Abilities Training (DAT) with the Arc of Lancaster Lebanon. Topics covered include (descriptions directly from the Arc of Lancaster Lebanon):
- Kindergarten – Every person has things that are easy to do or hard to do. People can find different ways to accomplish hard things. Helping each other makes it easier. Resource: Friends at School
- First Grade – Everyone wants and needs friends. Learn how to make a new friend, no matter how different that person may first seem. Resource: All Kinds of Friends, Even Green!
- Second Grade – Having a disability doesn’t mean you can’t do things. You can have fun, enjoy school, join groups in the community, and work hard. Resource: We Can Do It!
- Third Grade – Words can hurt, and people with disabilities are often targets of teasing. Students will learn how to communicate with potential new friends who all have diverse abilities. Resource: Arnie and the New Kid
- Fourth Grade – It’s important to use Person First language to talk about someone with a disability. Students will learn how to ask questions of others to get to know them. Resource: Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You
- Fifth Grade – Can you know anything about a person just by looking at him or her? Students will learn about empathy, bystanders, and upstanders. Resource: Not So Different: What You Really Want to Ask About Having a Disability
- Mikayla’s Voice Initiative – The elementary schools and the Special Education Department continue to implement the Mikayla’s Voice Initiative. The programs from Mikayla’s voice are designed to “showcase children’s talent and creativity as they demonstrate successful inclusion in education, art, and sports and recreation. Our children are our future and we are proud to let them lead by example, teaching others to embrace individuals of all abilities. This builds their self-confidence, empowers them to stand up for what they believe and encourages their growth into adults who continue to advocate for inclusion.”
- Internet Safety Lessons – The elementary school principals are collaborating with the Office of the Attorney General to conduct lessons on internet safety with students in grade 5. Through discussion, the students learn the importance of digital citizenship.
- Cyber-Bullying Education – Messages are posted throughout the building regarding prevention of cyber-bullying. Cyber-Bullying is included and addressed specifically through the Anti-Bullying Response Plan. The role of parents will be an increased focus in discussions related to cyber-bullying.
- Start with Hello – Solanco elementary schools are providing the Start with Hello training to all students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Start with Hello training is one of Sandy Hook Promise’s programs to promote safer and kinder schools. In addition to participating in the training, each school will hold a “kick-off” in September and continue to utilize the strategies to promote inclusion throughout the school year.
- Buddy Benches – Buddy Benches are available in common play areas at each elementary school. Students are taught how to access and use the benches appropriately as a space to meet and make a friend.
- Random Acts of Kindness Activities – Solanco elementary schools plan random acts of kindness activities with all students. This may include Kindness Rocks (painted kindness rocks distributed in the community), positive post-it notes, buddy classroom kindness activities, etc.
- The Great Kindness Challenge Week – The Solanco elementary schools continue to participate in the Great Kindness Challenge week. All students are challenged to intentionally act out kindness in the school and community. A key component is kindness notes and an at-home kindness connection/challenge.
- Mix it Up at Lunch Day – The Solanco elementary schools coordinate a Mix it Up at Lunch Day. The students have an opportunity to sit with new peers and participate in structured discussions to build additional relationships.
- Student Leadership Opportunities – The Solanco elementary schools utilize safety patrols and student senators to promote appropriate behavior when students enter and exit the building. Student leaders also take on other projects to promote a positive school community.
- Professional Development – All faculty and staff are aware of the components of bullying prevention, intervention strategies, and ensuring a supportive school culture. Information is shared in August to provide an overview and then covered in additional months to provide information on additional components or concerns that arise throughout the year.
- Social Media Presence – The elementary administrative team posts to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook weekly to highlight anti-bullying efforts and positive choices in the elementary schools.
- Increase Campaign Awareness – Information is available to all students and families and is utilized to ensure awareness of campaign focus and resources.
- Bullying Definition and Sharing – A common definition of bullying is shared by Solanco elementary schools and is posted throughout campuses. The definition is used in prevention and addressing bullying situations.
- Bullying Report Form – An online (JOT.com) reporting is available to parents, staff, and students. This form will allow students to report incidents that they have witnessed as well as incidents that have happened to them. Print copies of the form are available in the offices. The elementary administrative team will encourage parents to complete the form through individual conversations and monthly school newsletters.
- Counselor Request Form– A standardized form that students can fill out easily and deliver to the counselor when they have personal concerns. Students will be able to prioritize these forms as emergency, important or not serious/can wait.
- Anti-Bullying Response Plan – A response plan detailing steps and related timelines is consistently used to streamline communication and ensure results when responding to specific bullying incidents. The plan will be provided to the parent/guardian of any child for whom bullying is a concern. Feedback from the student and parent/guardian will be gathered after the incident and plans are put in place to ensure parent/guardian awareness and satisfaction with the strategies being utilized.
- Class Lessons by School Counselor – The school counselor and teachers educate students on specific actions to take should they witness an act of bullying.
- Investigation of Bullying Incidences – Reported bullying incidents are investigated thoroughly. Factors such as location, witnesses, specific actions, and power differential are determined.
- Anti-Bullying Response Plan – A response plan detailing steps and related timelines is consistently used to streamline communication and ensure results when responding to specific bullying incidents. The plan will be provided to the parent/guardian of any child for whom bullying is a concern. Feedback from the student and parent/guardian will be gathered after the incident and plans are put in place to ensure parent/guardian awareness and satisfaction with the strategies being utilized.
- Conflict Intervention Training – All schools display and utilize a variety of age appropriate conflict resolution approaches. The approaches are taught through classroom lessons delivered by the school counselor and/or teachers.
- Small Group Instruction with School Counselor – Identified students (both those who are engaging in bullying and those who are being bullied) are invited to small groups with the school counselor. Skills in the areas of friendship, empathy, communication and coping are taught and monitored in authentic situations.
- Empowering Students as Change Agents – Students will be empowered to be “upstanders”. They will explore their role as an upstander and commit to the statements: “we can…” and “I will…”. Each school has a PBIS system in place to recognize students for positive choices.
- Anti-bullying pledge school-wide – A common pledge to stop bullying will be learned by all elementary students and a commitment poster made in every class.
- School Wide Positive Behavior Plan – Each school will have a School Wide Positive Behavior Plan. This plan will include regular (monthly/quarterly) assemblies/activities that support positive student behavior. Students not earning the monthly behavior incentive will spend time reflecting with a teacher and set a goal to meet the requirements for the next incentive.
- Data collection and Analysis– Reporting forms are reviewed and preventative measures will be implemented in hot zones. Surveys will also be distributed to students and parents to gather feedback on the impact and effectiveness of the ABC.
- Resource Identification – A database of resources (books, websites, etc.) is identified and made available to parents and students on an as-needed basis.
- Referral to Outside Services– Counselors will provide information and connections to outside services if needs are evident and support services are available for families.
Our Commitment
Administrative Office
121 South Hess St.
Quarryville, PA 17566
How We’re Responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
School during COVID was challenging, and we worked hard to ensure our schools were both safe and open. The link to the right accesses our Health and Safety Plan, which describes what measures we are taking regarding COVID.