This update provides information on changes to current school masking requirements.

What’s The News?

Today, November 10, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court released its decision in the Corman et al. v. Beam case regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Health Mask Order.

The Court held that the Pennsylvania Department of Health Mask Order was not adopted in compliance with regulatory review process. 

What Does This Mean For Solanco?

Solanco is able to return to our original Health and Safety Plan adopted for the beginning of the 2021-22 school year.  This plan included a mask-optional approach.  Starting tomorrow, Thursday November 11, masks will be optional for students.

What Was Solanco’s Original Health And Safety Plan?

Solanco’s plan before receiving the mask order included a number of Layered Mitigation Strategies intended to reduce the spread of COVID as well as reduce the number of exclusions/quarantines. Among strategies included were, as follows:

  • Social distance of 3 feet (where feasible)
  • Mask-availability (optional)
  • Frequent Handwashing
  • Hand sanitizer availability
  • Limiting non-essential visitors
  • Encouraging parents to not send their children to school if ill
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols

What If I Still Want My Child To Wear A Mask?

Students will be permitted to wear masks if they choose, and masks will be available for students who want one.

Are Closures And Quarantines/Exclusions Still Possible?

Yes, we continue to work on reducing the number of close contacts and potential exclusions/quarantines.  We ask for continued parent support to keep schools open and minimize exclusions/quarantines.

What If I Disagree With The Mask-Optional Approach?

We recognize how strongly felt opinions are about masking in schools. We encourage parents to communicate with us directly about their children’s needs and to discuss their concerns.

What If I Still Have Questions?

We encourage parents to visit our COVID Information Center, located here:

This includes our original Health and Safety Plan, our current COVID Case Dashboard, and other relevant information.