Solanco School District 2021-2022 real estate tax notices are currently due to the school district in the penalty amount. The final day to pay outstanding real estate taxes to the school district is Friday, December 31, 2021.
Local residents who participated in the district’s installment plan must make their final payment by December 31st. Installment plan payments are paid in the base amount. Taxpayers may not elect and pay installments #1 and #2 after October 31st, 2021
Property taxes may be paid at any Fulton Bank Branch or mailed to Solanco School District, P.O. Box 4158, Lancaster, PA 17604. If mailing your payment, please remember the envelope must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2021. Incorrect amounts or late postmarks will be returned to the sender.
You may reach the Solanco Tax Office at 717-786-5611.