Safety and Security
Health and Safety Plan
Health and Safety Plan
Building Security
Solanco’s Policy 709 – Building Security
Vector SDS & Chemical Management
This accesses Vector Solutions resources on chemical used
Sanitary Management
Solanco Board Policy 702 that describes how Solanco works to ensure cleanliness and proper sanitary conditions of the school buildings and grounds.
Integrated Pest Management
Solanco Policy 716 describing integrated pest management procedures
Maintenance of School Facilities
Board Policy 704 describing maintenance of buildings, property and equipment
Communicable Diseases and Immunization – Policy 203
Solanco Board Policy 203 establishing policy to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases.
sin hogar Póster
Afiche que describe la Ley de asistencia para personas sin hogar McKinney-Vento
Homeless Parent Poster – English
Poster describing the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Public Notice Education Rights of Children and Youth that are Homeless
This public notice provides information about the rights of children, youths, and unaccompanied youth that are homeless
Integrated Pest Management Letter
Letter describing that the Solanco School District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents and weeds