Solanco Has Compassion!
At the start of the school year, the elementary principals worked with the elementary teachers to create movie trailers highlighting things that make their grade level unique, how they connect/inspire/empower […]
Educational Planning Guide-2023-2024
Health and Safety Plan
Your Thoughts Matter!
The Solanco School District seeks your input and feedback as they begin to evaluate the social studies curriculum and seek ways to improve the offerings we provide to our students. […]
2022-2023 Student Accident Insurance Information
2023-24 Student Voluntary Insurance Plan Brochure
SVA Application
How to apply to the Solanco Virtual Academy (SVA)
Attendance Policy
Solanco’s attendance policy
Admission of Students
Board Policy 201 which provides information on admission to school for kindergarten and beginners
PowerSchool Parent App How-to Video
This video provides instructions for parents on how to use the PowerSchool App.
PowerSchool Student and Parent Portal User Guide
This guide provides students and parents with information on how to use the PowerSchool Portal.
Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Education
Brochure providing information on the Gifted Education Procedural Safeguards Notice